Sunday, October 7, 2018

Women Must Be Heard

Before Judge Bret Kavanaugh was nominated to the Supreme Court two things happened.  One was that members of the Senate Republican leadership didn't think he would be a good candidate because of his time in the White House with President George W. Bush in highly partisan time with questionable legal decisions being made.   The other thing is that Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford sent letters to her representative in Congress and the tip line at the Washington Post with her story of Kavanaugh assaulting her.  These are facts that are not in dispute.  As the GOP hid most of the White House records of his time in office the new narrative developed through a slow release of Ford's story led to a new round of Senate questions and a delay for an FBI investigation into a growing number of accusations.  It was a flawed and limited investigation by most objective accounts.  So today, despite a partisan rant by the nominee, despite a majority of Americans feeling he didn't belong on the court and despite credible accusations of sexual assault, the Senate voted to confirm Kavanaugh.  And that is politics, elections have consequences.  So when it comes to this November and 2020 we have to remember that.  But there is something else.

For the last two weeks women on social media, in the streets of cities around the country and in the Senate office building have been telling their own survival stories or sexual assault.  Millions have shared, some for the first time ever, some for the first time outside of their closest friends and family, and some who have been talking about it for years and justice failed them.  Many bold women traveled to Washington DC to confront the Republicans supporting Kavanaugh to share their history.  But they were rebuked, arrested, and some of their Senators ran away from them.  Lindsay Graham, for example, when a constituent approached him to say that she had been raped, wanting to share her story of disclosing, his response was "call a cop".  Yes, let that sink in.

But the worst thing about what these women endured was beyond the lack of support of so many in the Republican party.   It was what the President and Senator Grassley have said about these protesters.  They have attacked them as liars, paid by George Soros.  Now some have seen an anti-semitic dog whistle, I am not sure.  What it is is a disgusting attack on women, some of whom gave a few days pay and jumped in cars, buses and on planes to confront those who are supposed to represent them.  What they ran into were cowards and abusers who called him liars and ignored who they are.  This is the failure of the new Republican party.  It was clear, beyond the politics of the confirmation, many of the GOP Senators had no interest in what the people felt.  In fact they were willing to attack them for simply exercising their right and to be frank, their responsibility to petition their government and the representatives.  The system is totally broken if this goes unchecked.  The check is the ballot box.  Register, vote, hold these desperate and disgusting people accountable.  These women are not paid to challenge the people who are supposed to work for them.  They aren't lying when they tell their story.  Oh, and they are not going away.  Let's stand with them.  I am not suggesting we shout people out in public.  But go to townhalls, campaign events, and call their offices.  Ask them if they believe the numerous women protesting are paid liars.  Don't let them back away from it.  Tell them to condemn the President for saying so, Senator Grassley for saying so, Senator Graham for saying so.  If they won't then tell all your friends that your Senator believes that women who are telling their stories are lying.  This is the only moral thing to do.

Weaponizing Language, a GOP tradition

 It seems that the right wing in the United States has a long history of taking words and phrases used by the left and turning them into wea...