Friday, October 21, 2022

The Quiet Acceptance of Antisemitism

A candidate for school board in Zionsville, Indiana recently said on social media that not all Nazis were bad.  His argument was that there were good people who were forced to participate in the atrocities during the Third Reich.  This is not exactly true and so that is troubling for a member who wants to shape the school system that has had some problems with antisemitism.   Just to be clear, many participated in the horrors of the Shoah (Holocaust) and the killing of Soviet prisoners of war who weren't forced, but chose to do so.  His policy positions squarely show him to be conservative. 

Ye, formally known as Kanye West, recently posted he was going “death (stet) con 3 on Jewish people,” meaning Defcon which is a defense condition jargon used by the US military.  He suggested that Jews as a group were somehow holding him back and that the real Jews were black people.  He has been clearly supporting the most radical conservative people and policies and was embraced by conservative voices in the media.  

Former President Donald Trump recently threatened American Jews who don't fully support him and the actions of the Israeli government.  He said Evangelical Christians are more supportive of Israel than what he calls Liberal Jews.  He went on to say they  better " their act together" adding "before it is too late".  This brings up a great deal of antisemitic tropes but also the threat has echoes of history.  

This comes as we see Republicans claiming the mantle of Christian Nationalism and some suggesting that Jews have no place in their campaign.  One even attacked the children's school (a Jewish Dayschool) of his opponent suggesting it is elitist.  

While for many of us who hear and see anti-Jewish rhetoric daily from around the world I don't spend a lot of worry about these particular nonsense statements though I think they should be called out.  What worries me is remarkable silence for conservative elected officials and the noise makers who jump on every liberal's criticism against the government actions in Israel or question American support of the Israeli government.  

When we teach about hate focused on us as Jews or on any other group it rarely starts with actions.  Words that become normalized in a society that tend to dehumanize or demonize a group often will lead to violence.  We have seen clear evidence of this around the world as both synagogues and mosques have been attacked by people citing the dog whistle writings and saying of American conservatives.  But it has become almost white noise of conservative parlance these days.  What is amazing is how no one on the right seems to care.  When the marchers in Charlottesville screamed "blood and soil" it was startling to some, but now when the ideology that led to that phrase is discussed in the halls of power as problem facing our country the lack of response is like living in a sensory deprivation chamber.  

I believe this is dangerous.  While some things written and said from the left is antisemitic it always appears there are more voices on the left calling it out, even if it isn't as loud as it should be.  But it is stunning, if a former President Obama were to say a similar thing to what former President Trump we would be deluged with commentary from the same voices who will find a way to make what Trump said seem banal.  

Hate in any form should be challenged, but if the hate is coming from your own house your challenge should be the loudest.  I challenge those on the right to find their voice.  Violence is not only done in someone's name, it is also done in someone's silence. 


Weaponizing Language, a GOP tradition

 It seems that the right wing in the United States has a long history of taking words and phrases used by the left and turning them into wea...