Thursday, August 2, 2012

And Now for What Really Matters

I was touching base with an old friend and she reminded me that each day brings opportunities to build a good memory.  Today I had one of those.  Noah was being a bit lazy this morning.  When it was time  to go he kept saying in the way only a teen can say "I am coming" while still staring at his computer screen.  I let him know that it was time to go, directly by turning the computer off for him.  This afternoon when Dianne called me he wanted to talk on the phone.  This is big for Noah, he speaks on the phone less than a Mafia Don in the 70s.  He apologized for being so wrapped up in his game he couldn't move.  He wants me to remind him that it is hard for him to pull away so he isn't going to turn the computer on in the mornings when we have to leave so early.  He hugged me and made sure I wasn't upset with him.  He was talkative and contrite, which is also unusual for him.  We eat dinner together virtually every night he is at our house and often says less than 20 words during the meal.  I really am glad my friend reminded me to stop and drink in the simple moments.  I was wonderful.

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