Monday, August 10, 2015

Donald Trump is Frenchy Martin

Donald Trump is turning the GOP campaign for the Presidential nomination into an old style Pro-Wrestling show.  A show where everyone pretends what is being done and said is real but we all know that it is simply theatre.  While as entertaining for many it will be to see Trump rage on TV and tell us how good he is at everything, there is a certain amount of seriousness that needs to be addressed by those wanting to lead this great country.   Instead we have this despicable misogynistic drowning out the debate.  He has taken on a role of a heel that would thumb his nose at the fans, the referees and the crowd.  Any everyone loved it.

The character he is playing however is not the big name heel of the heyday of wrestling but he is a caricature and the perfect person is Frenchy Martin. A Canadian wrestler,  Frenchy Martin,  was a wonderful wrestler who became a manager speaking for his beloved Quebec, bringing French Canadian wrestlers out to fight the American babyfaces.  Frenchy was known for carrying a sign that said "USA is Not Okay".  He would called the American political leaders stupid and rail against America's failures, sound familiar?   He would tell people how smart he was and would attack anyone who questioned him.

But even more Frenchy once wrestled as the Masked Cyclops and when unmasked one time he ran around the ring as the announcers said "It's Frenchy Martin", he said, "It's not me".   This is Trump, says stuff and when caught says "I didn't say that, It's not me.".

I said earlier that the media, and specifically the right wing media, has created this guy.  His tone is typical of the loud mouths that are not attacking him.  Erik Erickson is a great example, Google his misogyny and bring a bucket.  Trump is taking the model that has screamers on the radio and Fox News making millions and bringing it into the arena of real life politics.  But here is the thing.  Back in the day of Frenchy, the wrestlers all pretended that everything is real.  All knew they were playing a character.  They were all actors and some very good, with the intent of drawing out emotions without showing just how scripted and structured it was.  Trump seems to be like those all style wrestlers who got angry when someone challenged their so-called sport.  I am still convinced the Trump is not only not a real candidate but is simply enjoying the attention.  When asked questions he deflects, doesn't answer and attacks the questioner.  Just like Frenchy would do both as a wrestler and a manager.  Maybe someone should ask Vince McMahan to call him and tell him in the 90s the current was pulled back and we all know that the wrestlers are putting on a play.  Oh and maybe he can tell Trump to tone it down, I mean wrestling and politics have become family shows.

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