Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Reality TV's Newest Star

When William Hung sang She Bangs on American Idol all those years ago, America changed.  We became comfortable with the notion that one doesn't have to have talent or be interesting to rise to the top of our American consciousness.  It led to the Kardashian world we now live in.  So the Trump Reality Show Administration now has its William Hung.  Sam Nunberg, a lawyer and lapdog for Roger Stone who worked on the prequel The Trump Campaign spent the day on almost every media outlet telling us he would not comply with a subpoena from the Mueller investigation. Sam Nunberg has been a crazy character for a long time. Fired in 2015 from Trump's campaign for posting racist posts on social media.  That would be par for the course in a Roger Stone universe but Trump hadn't achieved his level of comfort with white nationalism at the time.  But Nunberg kept in touch with Trump advisers, including Steve Bannon.  So yesterday Sam put on a tour-de-force performance across the cable news universe.  Speculation was that he was high or drunk..  On CNN reporter even said he had alcohol on his breath. But what is interesting is that he gained a celebrity status for sounding like a buffoon.  A lawyer, some even looked up where he went to school to challenge his apparent lack of competence in understanding how a simple court action works.  He ended the evening with a statement that he will likely comply with the subpoena.  One could say it was one bad apple, but we have seen a bushel of them.  Heck, the leader in the clubhouse for Kata Kaelin award was Carter Paige, the spy who couldn't shoot straight.  But his media tour was subdued to compared to Nunberg.  

This is an example of a the people the President has chosen to be around him.  This guy's mentor, Roger Stone, was one of the craziest operatives in right wing politics who has written books saying that the Bush family are a mafia and the LBJ killed Kennedy.  He lives in the Alex Jones land of conspiracies and frankly seems to have fetishized Richard Nixon. Stone is accused of  being a connection between the Trump campaign and Russian hackers. Protecting Stone is the hill Sam Nunberg wants to die on, while calling the President an idiot and saying that the Mueller team has something on the President.  So this is where we are, the reality show that is this Administration continues.  By the way, the President's proposed tariffs will destroy the world economy, the HUD Secretary Ben Carson who recently got caught trying to spend $31 thousand on a dining set says his job is hard, North Korea is calling for talks with the US after creating a dialogue with South Korea and it looks like a former Russian spy in the United Kingdom has been attacked with poison, a typical Russian style attack.  I just hope that there is only one run for this show.  

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