Thursday, June 6, 2019

Be Careful Making a Comparison to the Shoah

So today I heard that Rush Limbaugh once again has equated the medical practice of abortion is like the Shoah (Holocaust).  Some how the obtuse minds on the right link the two all the time.  So let's take a look at the difference. 

1.  Abortion is a personal CHOICE that woman should have when it comes to their decision to carry a fetus to term. 

2. The Shoah was the systematic killing of people simply because of who they were that the government decided were unworthy of life. 

If you can't see the difference you are willfully ignorant or mind-numbingly dumb.  It is that simple.  The state killed people in Germany in the 1930s and 40s.  Even if you believe that abortion is murder it is not the state killing people.  It is the choice of the woman carrying the developing fetus to legally terminate the pregnancy. 

Now if you want a comparison in the abortion debate to the Shoah look at Missouri.  While the state is trying to make itself the first state to have no abortions allowed by attacking the last clinic still performing this medical procedure.  They have instituted a 72 hour waiting period, using regulatory reforms to make clinics jump through hoops but the worst is an attack on women's bodies.  The Republican Governor's administration has decided that women who go to seek abortions must submit to a preliminary and unnecessary vaginal exam.  The state is telling doctors they have to put fingers and instruments inside of woman, which is a form of sexual assault.  So the only rational comparison to the Shoah, which used state sponsored sexual and physical attacks on people, is the current GOP in their zealotry to control women. 

Now some on the right who don't want to give women the choice over their own bodies are going to say that the exam is no big deal.  They would have to have one during the procedure.  However, here is the thing, the current wave of anti-abortion laws will kill women.  Women who need abortions to survive.  Women who can't afford to travel to another state and fall prey to butchers.  This is not pro-life in any form.  This is a government attack on the rights and lives of women.  Let's remember that this is the government, using the power of the executive, to force women to submit to an invasive attack in the most private way.  This is immoral.  Let's make sure everyone knows it. 

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