It has haunted me all day, especially as I do High Holy Days preparation. I was reminded of a song from my punk days. The Offs had a song, Everyone's a Bigot, lamenting that some oppressed groups still harbor bigotry that they call to end against them. I see that they were talking about me. We all have biases. Some more than others, but we all carry a series of prejudices and too often we let them come out. Even when people are trying to fight that very thing. Years ago I responded to a book for early childhood teachers, called The Anti-Bias Curriculum, with a workshop called Bias-Awareness Beyond the Anti-Bias Curriculum. My point was that while trying to eliminate bias you build new ones. The writer of the curriculum seemed hostile to deeply religious people for example. In the end however, she felt that she had a way to eliminate bias. We shouldn't be about eliminating bias, it should be about confronting it. When we think we have eliminated bias, we become blind to our own.
Confronting our own biases are difficult. There is some irony about the fact I went to a production of 12 Angry Men at the Indiana Repertory Theatre yesterday where those 12 men, judging the life of a young man, confronted their biases head-on. They did it in a crucible of a jury room. It is amazing to see the bias of others laid out in the open as the play does, but it also is a strange feeling when you can see it in yourself.
Part of the High Holy Days is looking at your missing of the mark for the past year. We are not looking to be perfect, for in fact we never can be, but addressing the short-falls and acknowledging them is an important part of who we are as Jews and I dare say human beings. I know I have some strong prejudices. I can't really do T'shuvah for this as I will likely never see this guy again. But it does make me think more the next time I see this kind of thing. Perhaps this season I can make a list of where my prejudices focus on them. For those who celebrate may the New Year bring you joy and the opportunity to see yourself how others see you, embrace the greatness they see and work on the problems we can identify. Shana Tova.