Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Despite The Fact the GOP Doesn't Think So, There is Racism in the US

 This morning while driving to my office I heard a quote from Jalen Rose, former NBA star and current analyst for ESPN.  He said, "I Wish America Loved Black People as Much as They Love Black Culture".  That reminded me of something that happened more than 30 years ago.   In 1986 the movie Soul Man came out.  The movie was the story of an entitled rich high school graduate whose parents decide not to pay for his college education after he got into Harvard University.  So he takes tanning pills to pass as African American to obtain a dedicated scholarship.  This comedy was supposed to be an anti-racist attempt to create a conversation.  It didn't, it was bad, it was poorly written and poorly executed.  One of the lines of the movie as the main character C. Thomas Howell is talking to a friend about his plan says "It's the Cosby generation, America loves Black People".   A critic of the movie at the time wrote in an op-ed that I truly wish I could find, "America doesn't love Black people, America loves to be entertained by Black people".  That was true then and is true today.  

As we have seen with protests rise up to police killing of unarmed black people we have seen probably the most controversial figure Colin Kapernick berated that he is paid to play football not protest.  When others like NBA superstar Lebron James called out political leaders over issues of racism, he was told to shut up and dribble.  When the cast of Hamilton took a post-show talk opportunity to speak to the Vice-President in attendance calls for them to stick to the script were heard. In NASCAR, driver Bubba Wallace, the only full-time driver in the premier series has asked to have the Confederate flag banned from racing.  People told him that he doesn't belong in NASCAR with that attitude.   African Americans have been told many times to not speak up just go along and that is how you get along.  Now we are seeing that silence is not an option.  

Systemic racism exists, it is difficult to root out, it has killed people.  Watching a man die for eight minutes on camera has lit a fire  and people are responding.  We as a nation must face fully the reality of our past and if we are going to embrace those who bring us joy and excitement through art, music, sports and drama and if we are going to benefit from those who invent the items that make us safer, healthier, and make our lives better.  If we are going to learn from those who discover and uncover new things about our world and the universe we all live in we must acknowledge not only their achievements but their humanity.  It is not simply okay to not be racist.  (BTW we are probably all a little racist in our own way, even if not aware)  We must strive to fight racism when we see it, we must not make it normalized in private conversations and public displays.  We must find a way to learn where we fail and try to do better.  

I am not saying we have to be perfect tomorrow.  We all grew up in a culture that taught us directly or indirectly to carry prejudice.  Making mistakes is how we learn to be better.  There are people in the streets and they are angry.  Listen to the words they are saying and not focus on the fires and looting.  Think about where in your life you encounter people who are different from you and how you can engage in meaningful connections where appropriate.  READ  ASK QUESTIONS  BE COMFORTABLE WITH DISCOMFORT.   Remember everyone is a work in progress.  The important thing is where we put our energy into where the progress will take us.  George Floyd is dead because 4 human beings didn't think it was worth listening to his cries for help as he lay dying.  We can all start there, if you listen closely there are many cries for help.  We must find a way to respond. 

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