Thursday, November 19, 2020

Dear Republicans


I know the current President was likely not your first choice for your party's nominee back in 2015, but as the others fell by the wayside, I watched as your party came together to make him your standard bearer.  I know that some of you voted for him because you didn't want to vote for Secretary Clinton for a variety of reasons.  I know you thought the office would change him.  I know you liked the fact that he gave you some of things you wanted, a more conservative federal bench, deregulation to help your stock portfolios, comfort that he would not move us further down the road to a changing country.  For some of you he opposed the same people you opposed.  He also said things that you wished you could say in public without repercussions.   I know you also felt you could ignore his Twitter rants and childish nonsense.  So often we heard "watch what he does not what he says".  So now we had an election and in an epic turn out of voters. Joe Biden beat President Trump with a record number of votes cast on both sides meaning there was a great deal of enthusiasm for the President, but it looks from other Republican wins that there was also as much against.  

We are a divided country and that is not new.  What is new that the President is showing that he doesn't care about the American values.  Those values have helped us heal even when we have been so fully divided.  But now the President has been pushing out nonsense about a rigged election, that fraud exists everywhere he lost and having lawyers put their careers in jeopardy filing frivolous lawsuits whose filings read like the rantings of a people with no connection to reality.  In the mean time he firing our defense and national security human infrastructure to no real purpose.  Quotes are that he wants to make the next administrations life harder to have real accomplishments.

Beyond the holding up of both the financial support and the critical coordination with departments in the Executive Branch by members of his team, including the highly classified briefings are criminal negligence on the part of all involved.  Joking about a potential Trump second term or saying they will wait until after the Election is certified defies not only logic but reality.  

But what is worse is that the President has been actively trying to overturn the election with frivolous lawsuits that have been literally laughed out of court.  Today Trump's TV lawyers had a nearly two-hour press conference where they weaved conspiracy theories about Hugo Chavez, 7 years dead, being involved in the fraud and that was the sanest thing they said.  Tonight members of the Michigan State Legislature are being summoned to the White House in an attempt to have them over-turn the vote in Michigan.  Legally they can't, there is a law in Michigan that determines how Electors are seated.  But the President is abusing the power of his office to try to undo the election he so clearly lost. This is not the first attempt.  After Wayne County certified the ballots in the largest county in Michigan he called the Republicans on the Election board and now they want to rescind their vote to certify.  (They can't do that).  This is, in my opinion, a ham handed attempt at sedition.  

All that said, the President is watching the country burn as Covid cases, hospitalizations and deaths are reaching new heights.  While his personal medical advisor, a radiologist, is telling people to ignore state suggestions about keeping Thanksgiving small because your elderly relatives are going to die soon.  

So, Republicans, it is time to cut ties with the woeful failure in the White House.  I know it is difficult.  Republicans tend to fall in line.  I know that you want to believe the crazy nonsense of a fraud election.  I know you are hoping you won't have to see a Democratic President who will once again have to clean up a Republican mess.  But seriously, if you want a party a year from now you have to stand against the tyranny that is snowballing before your eyes.  Please come out and say in no uncertain terms:

1.  Joe Biden is the President-Elect 

2.  The President should release the information and funds for the transition.

3.  The President should make a public concession and which the new administration success.  

4.  The President should not fire anyone and replace them with unqualified sycophants.  

5.  The President should work with the Biden team on the roll out of vaccines and other measures to combat the Covid pandemic. 

At this point those still carrying the President's water will not be treated kindly by history but there is still a chance to save some of your legacy and frankly your dignity.  Stand up for the country you claim to love and took an oath to serve.  It may be a hard by it is what is right.  There is too much at stake.  Stand up.  

Thank you, 

A Fellow American who wants the country to remain a beacon of freedom and democracy.  

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