Wednesday, January 6, 2021

We Will Remember Today

Today, January 6th, 2021 the President of the United State and a number of elected Republicans encouraged a group of terrorist to storm the Capitol Building to stop the counting of the Electoral Votes. This counting and securing the fact of Donald Trump loss was the reason.   Lying about the potential change in outcome, the President told the crowd of angry and ignorant people to go down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol.  It is being reported that the Defense Department, that would have to deploy the District of Columbia's National Guard denied the mayor of DC's request for those troops.  This was the final act of a desperate wanna-be dictator and was helped by members of Congress who after egging on the crowd were later forced to hide under their desks and in offices and closets.  

I wish this was surprising.  It isn't.  It was 100% predictable.  In fact for months people joked about it.  The President of the United States has for five years created a cult-like group of supporters who are willing to believe this President even when reality stands in the way.  When Trump said more than 4 years ago said that he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose support.  Today he loaded the gun and pointed it at Congress.  So I ask, will there still be people supporting him now.  Apparently yes.  All over social media and in some of the right wing noise machine, they are justifying the attack on very democratic principles that rule our country.  And in the halls of Congress.  The coup enablers who started the day strutting for the terrorist and with the intention of dragging out the eventual certification of Joe Biden as President.  

I wish this was just a gang of members of the lunatic fringe.  This has become baked into the Republican party thanks to their desire to stay in the President's favor.  It has to be purged and it can only be done from the inside.   The people who are continuing to bring the objections to the Electoral votes should be treated as pariahs both inside the halls of Congress and when interviewed by the media.  And when they run for President in 4 years, because this is what it is about, this should hang around their necks and the violence we saw today should be played for them and they should be asked if they feel responsible.  

I feel bad for the country tonight, there is a lot to think about with what happened today.  We will have to spend more time thinking about it.  But tonight we have to keep in mind that today there was an attempt to overthrow the country's government from the Oval Office.  It didn't work.  Tonight our country is broken and we know who broke it.  It is time to hold those who did accountable.  

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