Friday, February 12, 2021

58 Steps

In 2007 the Kenyan national elections were called into question.  The country was engulfed with violence.  Over 1300 people were killed, including members of the government, in what was both protests of government corruption, tribal conflict and economic strife.  At one point women and children were locked in a church and it was set on fire.  The UN finally brokered a deal for a coalition government to end the violence.  The world court charged many of the leaders of various factions include those who would later lead the country.  While the cases fell apart over time they are being revived as of late last year as local investigations have started up again due to threats to families of some of the victims from 2007.  Those that the world court indicted were not the ones who beat people in the streets, who chased people from their homes, or lit the fires to burn people out, but the world saw them as inciting that violence.  That violence still haunts the Kenyan people as elections come around once again, this is because those who incited the violence were never brought to justice. 

In the impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump we have seen the results of what happens even here in the United States when a corrupt leader lies to his supporters for months leading up to and immediately after the election.  Trump was constantly inciting people being told that their votes didn't matter because the Democrats and some Republicans stole it from them.  He leveled accusations by himself and through surrogates and lawyers at anyone who didn't perpetuate his lie.  When members of his own administration said the election was done without fraud, they were fired.  When elections officials in states Trump needed to win did not violate the law he attacked them publicly.  And when his own Vice-President,  a loyal supporter, did the only thing he could within the Constitution, he called him a traitor.  Each one of these things led to death threats to the people involved and their families.  So when Trump called for a gathering on January 6th, the day of the Congressional certification of the Electoral College... When he timed the rally to end at the start of count in the Congress...  And when he called for the people who had been in Washington DC calling for the death of elected officials to go to the Capital, the only thing it could lead to was violence.  And it did.

Hundreds of Trump supporters invited to protest a fairly routine act on the part of the Congress attacked the central symbol of our Republic, the building where our voices are to be heard through our representatives.  A physical representation of Democracy.  They came with murder in their eyes.  They beat police officers, some carrying Back the Blue banners.  They smashed windows and doors.  They erected a gallows and called for Vice President Pence to be hanged on it.  They carried things to use as weapons and seemed intent on hurting or killing members of Congress.  At one point, they were 58 steps away from succeeding.  And if you ask them why they did it, they would tell you that they were there at the orders of President Donald Trump.

So today, as the trial in Senate comes to a conclusion, a trial where there are Republican Senators who swore an oath to be impartial, scribble on paper during presentations, leave the room or simply don't show up, or even have strategy meetings with Trump's defense attorneys there is no hope for justice.  Their minds are made up.  They will put their own political ambitions and one-sided loyalty over what is good for the country.  They aren't even being coy about it.  That is the problem.  Right now there are still two Americas.  One looks to a conman who tried to overturn a legal fair election because they are afraid of his base and will sell out any part of the country just to not feel his wrath and one that wants to get past the last 4 years and start to operate once again as the standard of Democratic principles, morals and ideals.  So tomorrow, when Donald J Trump is acquitted by a large number of Republicans who never cared about evidence will you rally to his side or will you take a step back and think.  Think about what history will say about the time an out-going President tried to use angry, ignorant supporters to physically stop a democratic process.  Enraging them with constantly lying and demonizing even his own Vice-President?  Your choice.  Choose Wisely.  Because if this insurrection goes unpunished, I fear what might come next. 

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