Saturday, January 29, 2022

I Shouldn't Have to Tell You This

There has been so much nonsense vomited out on the internet recently that I thought I would vent a little about it.  Some will make you angry and some will just make you wonder how the person talking dresses themselves and finds food.  It continues to be an amazing world on the web.  

1,  Your Inconveniences are NOT like the Shoah* (Holocaust) :  Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said this at a rally, “Even in Hitler’s Germany you could cross the Alps into Switzerland, you could hide in an attic like Anne Frank did.” This was in references to recent restrictions on people who have not been vaccinated against Covid 19.  It isn't the first time he dabbled in Godwin territory.  This however was an extra stupid an offensive statement because the unvaccinated could easily get out of their, so called crisis, by getting a shot.  But what is more interesting is that RFK Jr. apparently didn't read to the end of the book. 

2.  Speaking of the Shoah, a recent county in Tennessee decided to remove the graphic novel MAUS from the school curriculum citing a drawing of a nude woman (which is a mouse) and bad language (found in many other books in the curriculum).  Of course that and several other recent statements by many on the teaching of Nazi Germany (true story, one Indiana lawmaker suggested it would should be taught objectively, this trying find out if he is Swiss), have led to people asking why the Shoah should be taught and what makes it unique.  I would be able to write a book on why but here are a few points.  

a.  Germany at the time of the rise of the Nazis was a Republic and Hitler and his supporters used the system to change to a dictatorship leading to the events of World War II. 

b.  The government didn't just attack the Jewish people and others they didn't like, they used the tools of state and then built vast infrastructure for the purpose of killing an entire people, with the vision of doing it worldwide.

c.  By killing the Jews of Europe that was not land won, there was no political gain, and very little economic gain to be had.  The Nazis killed people simply because they wanted them dead. 

d.  It wasn't just the Germans or the military who helped in the effort.  Ordinary citizens supported the deportation, killing and cover up of the Shoah, and we are still uncovering stories today.  

The idea that this is unique does not diminish the horrors of other genocides or attempted genocides in the 20th or 21st centuries.  But it is a point in history we can all learn from and hope to stop in the future.  And no, you having to wear a mask to go into Kroger or the Court House is not a sign imminent concentration camps. 

3.  A law professor, who has become a favorite of the right wing noise machine, Jonathan Turley, suggested the President Biden's pledge to appoint a black woman to the Supreme Court may be unconstitutional.  For someone who teaches classes on the constitution he may want to read it.  Still others in the echo chamber that is the Republican disinformation cycle also suggested it violates the Civil Rights Act.  Neither is true of course because, like many of the Executive Branch responsibilities, it is absolute and the review is the advise and consent of the Senate.  He can nominate anyone, doesn't have to be a lawyer.  He can announce who he wants to nominate long before there was an opening.  Which he did by saying during the campaign that he would nominate a Black Woman to the bench.  Some have called that unprecedented.  However they are either massively ignorant of the history or the court or are simply lying.  Ronald Reagan, while running for President, promised GOP women that he would appoint a woman to the Supreme Court if given the chance and they repeated it.  When a seat came open he did just that.  When this was pointed out they said that Reagan didn't do that.  They said he never ruled out anyone.  That of course is nonsense.  But the right wing noise machine finds facts to be an allergen.  

4.   Joe Rogan, who apparently wants to be the next Alex Jones, had Jordan Peterson, on the show.  Two white guys who decided that the only people who should be called Black are those in what they called the darkest parts of Africa.  Trevor Noah, a man who grew up in Apartheid South Africa and current host of The Daily Show, did a segment on what it means to be Black.  Including reminded the two ignorant fools that in Africa no one referred to themselves as black.  In fact in the United States there were rules about how even the smallest of African ancestry made you black.  So of course someone who wants to appear relevant in the right wing theater had to speak up. Josh Denny, a comedian of sorts, decided to say that Noah had only lived in the US as a millionaire so Denny, an Irishman, knows more about being Black than Noah.  Seriously, he said that.  But then he got fired from the Food Network for suggesting he knows that woman can tell they are pregnant within 6 weeks of conception.  So being without a uterus or dark skin doesn't stand in his way of thinking he knows better about what that is like than people who do.  He is wrong but that is not unusual. 

These are just a few of the things that are just part of the mountain of nonsense that gets dumped on social media and the right wing airways every day.  It is always a good idea to take any of it with a grain of salt.  But I shouldn't have to tell you that.  

*Shoah is the Hebrew word for catastrophe.  Used since the 1940s it is a more direct description of the killing of 6 million Jews by the Nazis.  In English this is often referred to as the Holocaust, which is Greek for sacrifice by fire and has a religious connotation.  

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