So this past week I
found many things interesting in my world and I wanted to write about them
all. So instead of fretting about each I have decided to write briefly
about many. It has been a bit of a week.
I often go after the
right wing of our country and I won’t disappoint later in this rant but there
is a group of people I encounter on occasion that really have more arrogance
and live in a much deeper fantasy than any on the right: Ignorant atheists.
These are the guys who read Hitchens and Dawkins and think they have all the
answers. Often this plays out in misquoting Bible passages,
misunderstanding both Jewish and Christian law, and rewriting history to
diminish the role or religion in the development of both Eastern and Western
culture. Most recently someone suggested that religion has done nothing
for the betterment of the human condition and has solved no human
problems. I didn’t understand this as religions have helped organize
culture, built cities, and were the inspiration for law so I asked for an
example. He replied the curing of small pox, citing how the church stood
in the way of many scientific advances. Now there is no doubt that the
church stood in the way of many scientific advances but they also promoted
them, and I know this because the university where Edward Jenner developed the
vaccine was founded by the Catholic Church. Later spoke of the Interfaith
Hunger Initiative and the Global Interfaith Partnership in Indianapolis, both
of which feed children. The motivation for this, of course, is the
religious imperative in virtually every faith to feed the hungry.
The response was that it was individuals not religion. I weep for this
kind of thinking. Religion gets blamed for everything bad done in its
name and yet atheists like this give no credit for the good religion has
done. I will be the first to be critical of how some use the Bible as a
hammer to beat down others. But some have used the teachings as an
elevator for all, and frankly I think that helps the human condition.
The Pentagon, as it
creeps toward the 21st century, is opening up combat to
women. This led to outrage on the right. Somehow they thought
inviting people to try out for something means that it will lower the standards
for all. Of course that is not true. The most ridiculous thing was
a 5’6” 40somthing said he should get a shot at the NBA. If fact he can
try out, he can show his skills, if they don’t match up then he doesn’t get the
gig. In the military women couldn’t even get the opportunity to show
their skills, yet have served on the front lines. You see what is important
about this is that while women already serve in forward units they do not get
the same credit for combat duty. That means pay, promotion, and ability
to move up in the ranks. It makes sense that you don’t want Colonels and
Generals leading combat troops who have never been in combat. This opens
the door to qualified women who can both physically and intellectually
prosecute a war and it allows them to add their talents to the cause.
Recently elected Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth is a double amputee
after her helicopter was shot down in Iraq. When asked about it said
something to the effect that women were already in combat saying “I didn’t get
my wounds in a bar fight”. But the sexist claptrap that comes out of the
mouths of people, many who avoided service in the military, was loud and
proud. Funny the right wing war on women extends to not allowing them to
develop as warriors, I wonder why?
In more doors opening
news a trial balloon was sent up by the Boy Scouts to allow gay scouts and
leaders to serve openly. There have always been gay scouts and scout
leaders. But they had to hide the truth
of who they were to participate in an organization that values honesty. It appears that in the near future the Boy
Scouts will be about continue to there slow but steady growth as they reflect
the changing norms of society. One thing
the scouts have always prided themselves on is a strong moral code. That code has always taken its lead from the
culture. While bigots have responded
with loud and stunningly ignorant responses including the continued equating of
homosexuality with pedophilia, the Boy Scouts have shown a willingness to grow
as they have throughout their history, we can only hope that many others will
follow suit.
However the Indiana
state legislature isn’t one of the groups that are changing. They plan to pass an anti-gay marriage
amendment to the state Constitution. Of
course there will be a fight, as the United States Supreme Court will be taking
up the issue this year with two cases it will hear. I still can’t figure out how two people who
love each other and say so publically will have any impact on me and my
family. I just can’t comprehend how
there can be such a strong fight against gay people being able to openly enjoy
the same rights as straight people. I
mean I don’t see how two people who share a life together can hurt me in any
way. However there are so many people
willing to stand up for the rights of gun owners to be able to kill as many
people as possible in a short amount of time.
To me that is something we should be trying figure out, but there are
those who would hate to even have the conversation. Case and point:
The NRA continues its
parade of lunacy, bringing it to Fox News on Sunday. I won’t get into the
debate much here, but if Fox News calls you on lies about the President it is
time to reassess your position. We also learned this week the Wayne
LaPierre got a deferment from Vietnam for a “nervous condition”, isn’t that a
mental illness that would require that we take the gun out of your hand sir?
Speaking briefly of guns
the family of Chris Kyle, known to Iraqi insurgents as the Demon of Ramadi was murdered this weekend. He was shot by a
fellow veteran who he was trying to help get over Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder. Kyle, a Navy Seal and sniper with 150 kills in the Iraq war was
considered by many an American hero. He wrote a book about his
experiences and gave some insight into the mind of a warrior. However you
feel about the war, Kyle saw his duty and did it. If the civilian
leadership screwed up and I believe they did, Kyle and his comrades where there
cleaning up the mess. Two narratives exploded in cyberspace. One
more disgusting than the other. The first was that it was Karma that his
killing led to his death. The second was that the government did it to
further promote gun control. People, I beg you, stop. It is
hurtful, idiotic and frankly cowardly. I hated the idea of the Iraq war,
I thought it was a ginned up reason to go, I knew we would not be seen as
liberators, I knew that we would be fighting insurgents and tribal in-fighting
would put lives in danger and I knew that we would not find any of the weapons
that Rumsfeld assured us he knew existed and where they were. But to call
this Karma or to say that government forces did this belittles the memory of a
hero. Rest in Peace sir, I am sorry your country let you down.
So it was quite a week
and the new one has started. Who knows
what is next.
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