Sunday, March 29, 2020

March 29th Covid 19

So one more week.  It has been 21 days since I have been in a large crowd so I think that the worry of having been around a few hundred strangers over the course of a weekend has abated.   I don't personally know anyone that I know has contracted the virus but several friends and family of friends are fighting and a few have lost the battle.  I hear of people at various levels of fame who have it or in some cases survived it.  It still feels more like a stalker than something that is close to me. 

But I wanted to list some of the things I discovered over the last few days.

1.  When you haven't left the house since Wednesday and it rained all day Saturday, even a windy Sunday morning becomes a pleasure to be outside cleaning things. 

2.  Working on ZOOM from your home office will motivated you to clean things up and move a painting that may be, let's say distracting from behind you.  So we rehung a large painting in the stairway.  Now my background will be monkeys.

3.  When we bought the house and the kid moved out I thought this place would feel really big.  Guess what? 

4.  Time can be a real trickster.  Oh you got up at 7 a.m. to start your morning....whoops it is 10:30 and you haven't even brushed your teeth. 

5.  I have a whole different understanding of how people view toilet paper.  (enough with the photos).

6.  Some people are leaning on comfort food, today I found some comfort music.  Is that a thing?

7.  While social media can be a fever swamp and I do contribute to the negativity, at times, it can also be a place where we find fun in reliving old memories, checking in with people, sharing important information (as some of us can't watch the news) and of course provide a distraction. 

8.  Many artist friends who make their living traveling to make music have found ways to share their talent with others through virtual concerts for free.  We should remember them in the future.   

9.  I realized that over the last several years I have become a home body and that was good training.  I am not sure when I might start to feel differently.   

So we are still weeks away from this being over enough to go back to a normal routine.  We have airline tickets to visit Dianne's sister in the middle of June.  I still have hope that we can do so.  In the mean time, stay home when you can, wash your hands often and remember, we can do this.  Together, through science and compassion, through information and love, and through patience and supportive action we will get through. 

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