Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Covid Diary April 7

Things continue to be weird.  I miss going to work and seeing people.  I miss the simple run to the grocery.  I wonder when I can get my haircut, something I do usually right before Pesach.  Speaking of Pesach, no big seder means that when we started taking the things out we need for the holiday we didn't need to take out much.  No need for 15 place settings for two people.  Everything about this time is strange. 

Things I have discovered however is interesting:

1.  I can go over a week and a half without shaving and well, still can't grow a beard or mustache.  So that answers that.

2.  Watching myself on ZOOM let me know I stick my tongue out and lick my lips a lot.  I apologize.

3.  I would normally watch and read tons of news and sports and since there is little sports news and I am avoiding the news I realize how much time I can wasted each day.

4.  We are social animals and watching the need for connections do work arounds is amazing.  My favorite is the guy who rented a cherry picker to visit his grandmother through the window of her 3rd floor room in a nursing home. 

I am not sure what the future holds.  What I do know is that as a people we are strong and there are many stories of heroes.  After Passover, I will share some.

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